my name is Robert villalpando it marched
2012 i had a bad car accident and they
had to go to hospital for a while to
check me out and I was all checked out
no dang and then they told me I had to
go to the doctor because my back was
hurting so they found out that I had a
injury my back I had to have part of
surgery so after that we know that I had
to get a lawyer because he was a pretty
good injury so my daughter Brenda had a
friend they told her about mr. Freedman
so did she contact the heaven and we set
up an appointment do you up come and see
him so we did I really not like this mr.
Freedman he was real nice person and all
the girls that every time we come to the
office terry Lee you’re good people they
always that you will need to worry only
so that you they were all real so we set
up that we were at the media and we had
that meeting and at the end he’s okay
Bob Robert will have this case it was
done so we pack him for they day the
head with the other is him slightly got
done that day and it was so we got but
one so it was good so I really glad I’m
ready please that was him and I’ll
recommend Mr prettiman for anybody that
met the lawyer because everybody was
real real nice real pleasant to work
with and like I said if anybody of this
lawyer i recommend who was to build use
a free meal